Finch Evolution
Four decades of research on finch species that live only on the Galápagos Islands illuminate how species form and multiply.
HHMI BioInteractive Finch Resources:
The Origin of Species: The Beak of the Finch
Effects of Natural Selection on Finch Beak Size
Evolution in Action: Data Analysis
Natural Selection and the Evolution of Darwin's Finches
Beak of the Finch Film with Quiz
Educator Publications of Modified Resources:
Many instructors modify and expand HHMI BioInteractive resources based on their course context and students, and QUBES offers a space to share these materials and teaching approaches. Some of these modifications were produced by participants in the 2016 HHMI/QUBES Faculty Mentoring Network.
Students evaluate evidence for evolution of Darwin's finches using authentic research data sets collected by Peter and Rosemary Grant.
Natural Selection and Galápagos Finches
Version: 1.0.0 Adapted From: Finch Evolution Collection v1.0
A worksheet and accompanying data set that guides students through making and interpreting frequency distributions, selection differentials, and fitness functions.