00:23:44 Geoff Lippa: Thank you. 00:25:23 Dr. Sondra LoRe : Love the Guardian of the Galaxy theme!! 00:29:27 Shuchismita Dutta: http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/cbic.202200310 00:29:55 Shuchismita Dutta: PDB IDs 8F2H 8F2I 00:34:17 Brian Gadd: Hi Kasandra, I thought you might find this of interest but looks like found something similar already 00:34:26 Brian Gadd: https://www.cell.com/cell-chemical-biology/fulltext/S2451-9456(22)00275-6?_returnURL=https%3A%2F%2Flinkinghub.elsevier.com%2Fretrieve%2Fpii%2FS2451945622002756%3Fshowall%3Dtrue#relatedArticles 00:34:52 Dr. Sondra LoRe : Thank you for inviting me today! I look forward to viewing the webinar! I am off to graduation! :) Have a wonderful holiday! 00:35:01 Brian Gadd: Shuchi's holiday gift =D 00:35:32 Dr. Sondra LoRe : I meant to type "I look forward to viewing the recording" :) 00:36:44 Brian Gadd: Can you demo that later Shuchi? I was trying to follow the tutorial that was posted up this last week but was having a hard time. 00:37:34 Brian Gadd: Looks great 00:39:53 Brian Gadd: article is paywalled but I think this is the PDB ID: 8F2I 00:40:15 Brian Gadd: and 8F2H 00:41:46 Brian Gadd: Definitely! Thanks 00:45:27 Keith: Too many toys 00:47:48 Brian Gadd: There were ALOT of structures there. Is there a way to search/narrow down which ones are on that list or do you just have to scroll through all 600? 00:48:19 Kasandra Riley Rollins (she/her): I predict p53 will be one of the worst for having too many structures—hopefully most proteins will be more manageable. 01:06:37 Keith: Brian, please send whenever you are ready - I can help with some of the steps. 01:07:10 Brian Gadd: Thanks, Keith! 01:25:40 Brian Gadd: Happy Holidays!