
A collection of materials for high school and college physics that relate to social justice issues

The Underrepresentation Curriculum (URC) is a free, flexible curriculum for STEM instructors to teach about injustice and change the culture of STEM. Using tools such as data analysis, hypothesis creation, and investigation, students look critically at science through the lenses of equity and inclusion. By comparing the general population to similar data describing scientists, students can explore issues of social justice in STEM. 

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Profile picture of Pat Marsteller

Pat Marsteller onto curricculum resources: physics

Chapter abstract from Book on Social Justice in Physics

A critical look at the history of physics—both in the field as a whole and in the pedagogical choices—elucidates why it is necessary to pay attention to social justice in physics education. Physicists have a longstanding aim toward objectivity and often deny the effects of culture on the field and its participants. In this chapter, we provide an overview of research and curriculum development on equity and social justice in physics and include examples for addressing the injustice present in the field today. We illustrate how instructors can introduce and integrate discussions of equity and social justice into physics curricula. We also share an example of how concepts in physics (e.g., optics) can be used to support students in identifying inequities and injustice (e.g., overrepresentation of blue eyes). To be clear, this work does not argue for a dichotomized teaching of social justice and physics. Instead, we call for the utilization of a social justice lens in teaching physics and the exploration of physics concepts to identify and address issues of inequity that exist within and outside of the field of physics.


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Profile picture of Pat Marsteller

Pat Marsteller onto curricculum resources: physics

Tribes and covid19

Historical inequities placed American Indians and Alaska Natives in the headlights of the oncoming Covid-19 epidemic.  Vulnerability was greatly increased by the lack of infrastructure for key services like water, housing, electricity, broadband access and educational facilities and by underlying health conditions.  Initial impacts of the virus predicted a devastating future, especially from the potential loss of elders.  Multiple agencies and organizations involved in Native American health began to mobilize but credible, coordinated data was lacking for important actions like contact tracing.  Despite these obstacles and continuing unequal losses, Tribes rose up with effective innovations through the strength of culture, trust and self-governance by asserting their sovereign rights. Through these means they developed unique and effective responses.

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Pesticides on the prairie

his case study examines a variety issues arising from illegal pesticide application by a non Native landowner intended to kill black-tailed prairie dogs (Cynomys ludovicianus) within the external borders of Standing Rock Reservation in 2016.  The land was privately owned, as a result of the Dawes General Allotment Act of 1887.  Rozol, an anticoagulant rodenticide, was applied to thousands of acres of buffalo pasture with little regard for the strict protocols required for application, clean up, and surveillance of the poison.  The result of the application was widespread damage to wildlife species and the potential for transmission of the toxin to humans through buffalo meat.  Rozol has had a short and turbulent history as a controlled poison for rodents, with concerns severe enough to result in its cancellation for approved use for prairie dogs in 2001.  The case explores the responsibilities and actions of the landowners, local residents, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Standing Rock Sioux Tribe, and Environmental

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Exploring Social Justice Through a Chemistry Lens

This resource from May 2023 was shared by the American Association of Chemistry Teachers. It contains instructional strategies and classroom activities. 

It was authored by Lisa Ammirati.

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Profile picture of Sam S Donovan

Sam S Donovan onto SJ in Chem Ed

Diversity Equity Inclusion Social Justice in STEM

This "library guide" from Indiana University addresses DEISJ across STEM, including chemistry.

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Profile picture of Sam S Donovan

Sam S Donovan onto SJ in Chem Ed

Justice and injustice in chemistry: aspirin and other drugs

"This resource can be used to accompany practical work on the synthesis of aspirin, included in many 16–18 courses across the UK and Ireland. It will stimulate learners to think about science in society and develop critical thinking skills, important throughout their studies and future careers."

Author: Emily Rose Seeber

Online teaching resource from the Royal Society of Chemistry.

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Sam S Donovan onto SJ in Chem Ed

Linking Chemistry to Community: Integration of Culturally Responsive Teaching into General Chemistry I Laboratory in a Remote Setting

Winstead, A. J., McCarthy, P. C., Rice, D. S., & Nyambura, G. W. (2022). Linking Chemistry to Community: Integration of Culturally Responsive Teaching into General Chemistry I Laboratory in a Remote Setting. Journal of chemical education99(1), 402-408.

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Sam S Donovan onto SJ in Chem Ed

Connecting Chemistry to Social Justice in a Seminar Course for Chemistry Majors

Gerdon, A. E. (2020). Connecting Chemistry to Social Justice in a Seminar Course for Chemistry Majors. Journal of Chemical Education97(12), 4316-4320.

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Sam S Donovan onto SJ in Chem Ed

Social and Environmental Justice in the Chemistry Classroom

Lasker, G. A., Mellor, K. E., Mullins, M. L., Nesmith, S. M., & Simcox, N. J. (2017). Social and environmental justice in the chemistry classroom. Journal of Chemical Education94(8), 983-987.

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Profile picture of Sam S Donovan

Sam S Donovan onto SJ in Chem Ed

How to Find a Gene: Retrieving Information From Gene Databases

A strong understanding of distinct gene components and the ability to retrieve relevant information from gene databases are necessary to answer a diverse set of biological questions. However, often there is a considerable gap between students’ theoretical understanding of gene structure and applying that knowledge to design laboratory experiments. In order to bridge that gap, our lesson focuses on how to take advantage of readily available gene databases, after providing students with a strong foundation in the central dogma and gene structure. Our instructor-led group activity aids students in navigating the gene databases on their own, which enables them to design experiments and predict their outcomes. While our class focuses on cardiomyocyte differentiation, classes with a different focus can easily adapt our lesson, which can be conducted within a single class period. Our lesson elicits high engagement and learning outcomes from students, who gain a deeper understanding of the central dogma and apply that knowledge to studying gene functions.

Primary Image: Gene structure at various levels of expression and retrieval of corresponding biological information from gene databases. This image contains a screenshot from the NCBI Database, which is an open source: National Center for Biotechnology Information. 2021. SOX2 SRY-box transcription factor 2.

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Profile picture of Melissa Kelley

Melissa Kelley onto Genetics and Development

To Vaccinate or Not to Vaccinate

To vaccinate or not to vaccinate, that is the question. Much of the recent trend in society against vaccination is that the general population does not understand 1) how vaccines work and 2) how one's vaccination status can influence others. Further compounding this is rather low acceptance of the influenza vaccine, a vaccine which is sometimes not even effective against the strains predominantly in circulation. Through engaging in a conversation about the role of vaccines in immunity not only of oneself but also about surrounding persons, we can increase vaccine acceptance. Herein is a physical assay which illustrates the concept of herd immunity with differing levels of vaccinations within a population. Students will learn that low vaccination rates do little to nothing to stop disease spread and that a large portion of the population (80%) is necessary to achieve near-eradication. This lesson is able to be taught at multiple levels using supplies that can mostly be obtained at the grocery store. In addition to illustrating vaccination, this study approximates a direct enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA), enabling students to better understand that technique and how it is used to diagnose disease as well as the interrelation between antigens and antibodies.

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Profile picture of Melissa Kelley

Melissa Kelley onto A&P materials

Squirreling Around for Science: Observing Sciurid Rodents to Investigate Animal Behavior

Hands-on research experiences are important opportunities for students to learn about the nature of inquiry and gain confidence in solving problems. Here, we present an inquiry-based lesson plan that investigates the foraging behavior of sciurid rodents (squirrels) in local habitats. Squirrels are an ideal study system for student research projects because many species are diurnal, easy to watch, and inhabit a range of habitats including college campuses. In this activity, instructors identify appropriate field sites and focal species, while students generate questions and brainstorm predictions in small groups regarding factors that might influence behavioral trade-offs in sciurids. Students conduct observational surveys of local squirrels in pairs using a standardized protocol and upload their data to a national database as part of the multi-institutional Squirrel-Net ( Instructors access the nationwide dataset through the Squirrel-Net website and provide students with data for independent analysis. Students across the country observe and record a range of squirrel species, including behaviors and habitat characteristics. The national dataset can be used to answer student questions about why squirrels behave in the way they do and for students to learn about authentic analyses regarding behavior trade-offs. Additionally, the lesson is designed to be modified across a range of inquiry levels, from a single two-hour laboratory activity to a unit- or semester-long student-driven course-based research experience. Our activity highlights the value of using observational data to conduct research, makes use of the Squirrel-Net infrastructure for collaboration, and provides students equitable access to field-based projects with small mammals.

Primary image: Students observe squirrel behaviors on the campus of Colorado Mesa University.

Additional Squirrel-Net Articles:

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Profile picture of Melissa Kelley

Melissa Kelley onto field and ecology

Drawing flowcharts of lab protocols helps students prepare for biology labs

With the publishing of the Vision and Change report, we know it is best practice to include authentic research experiences in our undergraduate science lab classes. One big challenge in teaching so-called "wet lab" classes is figuring out a way to make sure students come to lab prepared to successfully complete their experiments. Molecular biology protocols are particularly challenging as they are typically long, detailed, and have multiple steps to complete. The most successful teaching practice I have tried is having students prepare for lab by hand-drawing flowcharts of the lab protocols. Drawing is a proven way to increase scientific understanding and requires students to engage with the lab materials before class. These flowcharts are due when students walk in to lab and more importantly, students use their flowcharts during lab. This teaching tool is easy to teach to students, simple to assess, and does not rely on any pre-existing knowledge of molecular biology or artistic skill. I have had great success using flowcharts as a teaching tool in both upper division and lower division classes as well as with both life science major and non-major students. Flowcharts have many potential applications beyond undergraduate "wet lab" classes including discussion courses and graduate research projects.

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Profile picture of Melissa Kelley

Melissa Kelley onto Genetics and Development

Biol 105

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Profile picture of Melissa Kelley

Melissa Kelley onto A&P materials

The Inside and Outside the Body

The Inside and Outside the Body activity helps students develop a conceptual understanding of anatomical barriers such as skin and mucus membranes that separate internal cells and fluids from the external environment. This short exercise prepares students for lessons in both anatomy and physiology and reflects recommendations from policy documents that suggest teaching core concepts. Understanding processes such as absorption, gradients and flow, and body defenses relies on the core concept of anatomical barriers. Instructors can use the concepts taught in this activity in subsequent discussions of topics such as immune tolerance of the fetus, the devastating impact of burns, and the sites of gas exchange.

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Profile picture of Melissa Kelley

Melissa Kelley onto A&P materials

Drawing flowcharts of lab protocols helps students prepare for biology labs

With the publishing of the Vision and Change report, we know it is best practice to include authentic research experiences in our undergraduate science lab classes. One big challenge in teaching so-called "wet lab" classes is figuring out a way to make sure students come to lab prepared to successfully complete their experiments. Molecular biology protocols are particularly challenging as they are typically long, detailed, and have multiple steps to complete. The most successful teaching practice I have tried is having students prepare for lab by hand-drawing flowcharts of the lab protocols. Drawing is a proven way to increase scientific understanding and requires students to engage with the lab materials before class. These flowcharts are due when students walk in to lab and more importantly, students use their flowcharts during lab. This teaching tool is easy to teach to students, simple to assess, and does not rely on any pre-existing knowledge of molecular biology or artistic skill. I have had great success using flowcharts as a teaching tool in both upper division and lower division classes as well as with both life science major and non-major students. Flowcharts have many potential applications beyond undergraduate "wet lab" classes including discussion courses and graduate research projects.

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Profile picture of Charlotte Cates

Charlotte Cates onto CC

Presentation related to the paper: Sustainability and Justice: Challenges and Opportunities for an Open STEM Education

This is a presentation highlighting some issues at the intersection of STEM, Open, and Social Justice. The audience is STEM education professionals and professional developers. The presentation was originally given at SERC in February 2023.

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Profile picture of Pat Marsteller

Pat Marsteller onto social justice in stem

Survey Findings:: Social Justice Dialogues in STEM Education LC

Survey findings for the learning community (LC), Social Justice Dialogues in STEM Ed, facilitated by Drs. Bryan Dewsbury (Florida Institute of Technology) and Desiree Forsythe (Rochester Institute of Technology) – with support from Dr. Kaitlin Bonner (St. John Fisher College). The LC included five synchronous sessions from April 6th through May 31st, aimed to explore difficult dialogues of social inequities in STEM classrooms using short readings, discussions, and mini-workshops.

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Pat Marsteller onto social justice in stem

More resources provided by Pat - discussed during the Biweekly meeting on Apr 28, 2023

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Profile picture of Sam S Donovan

Sam S Donovan onto Social Justice Examples Biology

OER for Diversity, Equity and Inclusion in STEM Classrooms

This collection was originally published as part of the February 2022 Community Spotlight

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Profile picture of Sam S Donovan

Sam S Donovan onto Social Justice Examples Biology

Squirreling Around for Science: Observing Sciurid Rodents to Investigate Animal Behavior

Hands-on research experiences are important opportunities for students to learn about the nature of inquiry and gain confidence in solving problems. Here, we present an inquiry-based lesson plan that investigates the foraging behavior of sciurid rodents (squirrels) in local habitats. Squirrels are an ideal study system for student research projects because many species are diurnal, easy to watch, and inhabit a range of habitats including college campuses. In this activity, instructors identify appropriate field sites and focal species, while students generate questions and brainstorm predictions in small groups regarding factors that might influence behavioral trade-offs in sciurids. Students conduct observational surveys of local squirrels in pairs using a standardized protocol and upload their data to a national database as part of the multi-institutional Squirrel-Net ( Instructors access the nationwide dataset through the Squirrel-Net website and provide students with data for independent analysis. Students across the country observe and record a range of squirrel species, including behaviors and habitat characteristics. The national dataset can be used to answer student questions about why squirrels behave in the way they do and for students to learn about authentic analyses regarding behavior trade-offs. Additionally, the lesson is designed to be modified across a range of inquiry levels, from a single two-hour laboratory activity to a unit- or semester-long student-driven course-based research experience. Our activity highlights the value of using observational data to conduct research, makes use of the Squirrel-Net infrastructure for collaboration, and provides students equitable access to field-based projects with small mammals.

Primary image: Students observe squirrel behaviors on the campus of Colorado Mesa University.

Additional Squirrel-Net Articles:

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Profile picture of Katie LaCommare

Katie LaCommare onto Ecology Lab Ideas



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Alketa Nina onto DE