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From Biology to Mathematical Models and Back: Teaching Modeling to Biology Students, and Biology to Math and Engineering Students

Photos of hexagonal tables without and with students seated around them

Chiel HJ, McManus JM, Shaw KM. From biology to mathematical models and back: teaching modeling to biology students, and biology to math and engineering students. CBE Life Sci Educ. 2010;9:248–265.  

Examples of courses that teach mathematical analysis or modeling skills to biology students with an interest in articulating clear educational goals based on a constructivist approach is central to this paper. Reconstructing and introducing assessments that are tightly tied to educational goals with an emphasis on assessing student progress based on their ability to analyze new data is an important barrier in measuring for continuous progress.

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Suann Yang onto Backward Design

Backward Design

word image that says alignment

This collection contains resources for getting started with Backward Design, a framework for designing curricula with the learning goals first.

7 posts

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Suann Yang