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Module 4: An Investigation of the Island Rule

Module 4: Mammal Size on Islands [Island Biogeography]


  • Upper Level Ecology (Juniors or Seniors)


  • This exercise is designed as a 2-3-hour experience, but could be spread over several days or include a take-home component.
  • The assessment is completed as a take-home assignment.


  • Interpret patterns of species morphology on islands using natural history collections data.
  • Apply the process of science by the development and testing of hypotheses.
  • Collect, clean, and analyze data from a digitized natural history collection.


  1. Students make a prediction about the relationship between mammal body size and island vs mainland habitat.
  2. Students use the Arctos online database to download species collection records from islands in the Alexander Archipelago and from the nearby Alaska mainland.
  3. Students determine the average mass of different mammal species collected on the islands and mainland. This activity requires significant time for data “cleaning”.
  4. Students do statistical analyses of the data (t-test) to test their hypotheses.


  • Students complete a standard laboratory report detailing their methods and findings.

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Molly Phillips onto Workshop Modules

Workshop Modules

4 posts

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Molly Phillips