
Profile picture of Sarah Orlofske

Sarah Orlofske created this post

The Nature of Things - Invasion of the Brain Snatchers

This is a link to and episode of the The Nature of Things featuring parasites that manipulate their hosts. This is a great resource for undergraduate parasitology AND intro bio courses. I have used it for both. I show the entire episode in my Animal Parasitology course along with questions for the students to answer in groups at different time intervals throughout. Then they submit their answers as a group. In General Biology I show a 10 minute clip when I introduce parasitism as a life history strategy in the Community Ecology Chapter. 

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Lectures, videos, in-class activities

This is a collection of materials you might use during the "lecture" period of a parasitology class. 

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Profile picture of Jeremy M Wojdak

Jeremy M Wojdak

Also found in these collections:

Materials appropriate for introductory biology

This is a collection of materials that teach basic biology topics, in the context of host-parasite interactions. We can help our non-parasitology colleagues bring more depth and interest to their own courses by sharing our best parasite stories and materials here. 

1 posts

Profile picture of Jeremy M Wojdak

Jeremy M Wojdak