BioGraphI FMN Fall 2024
Proposed Schedule
**Please note that the schedule is tentative and is subject to change. Please check back often for updates.**
Online Meetings
Wednesdays 4:30 PM ET/3:30 PM CT/2:30 PM MT/1:30 PM PT
After the kickoff meeting, we will meet for one hour each week for the next few weeks of this FMN, followed by every other week for the final three meetings. Our final meeting is a show-and-tell at the beginning of December to wrap up the FMN. We will meet via Zoom video conference; details on our Quick Links page (viewable for members only).
All homework assignments are to be completed by the Monday prior to the meeting listed, 5 pm for your time zone. Additional information will be provided in the online meetings and announcements.
Participant Facilitator/Notetaker Roles and Responsibilities
Each participant participating in this FMN will choose a week to be a “participant facilitator” and/or a "participant note taker."
Participant facilitators are responsible for reading any forum posts associated with the meeting topic prior to the meeting and collecting questions and responses, for preparing thoughts and comments related to the reading and forum posts for the week’s meeting, and for helping the FMN leader facilitate the weekly topic by prompting discussion.
Participant note takers are responsible for keeping a record of the meeting's discussion, and summarizing and synthesizing the key ideas or themes that are brought up. Either while taking notes or after the discussion, this person will also put helpful links into the notes document of any resources that were discussed. These notes will be indispensable to all the participants as a running record throughout the FMN.
Date | Topic | Due before next meeting |
August |
Preparatory activities |
Introduce yourself in the forum View introductory resources |
Week of Sept 9 | Kickoff meeting |
Decide when (semester, course, topic within course) you will implement your lesson Draft a diversity and inclusion message for your syllabi |
Week of Sept 16 |
Discuss D/E/I messages for syllabus Backward design for quantitative skills and data literacy |
Start on your lesson guide by crafting learning outcomes (LOs) and assessment tools for your specific lesson |
Week of Sept 23 |
No meeting Networking event with Mays Imad on Sept 25 (register here by Sept 18) |
N/A |
Week of Sept 30 |
Discuss LOs Identifying and selecting interviewee |
Share your ideas for potential interviewees |
Week of Oct 7 |
Narrow down list of potential interviewees Principles of Universal Design of Learning (UDL) |
Peer feedback on lesson guide draft using the UDL principles |
Week of Oct 14 |
Discuss peer reviews How to conduct a BioGraphI interview |
Revise lesson guide draft based on feedback and create lesson materials |
Week of Oct 21 |
Share progress! |
Refine lesson materials Record interview |
Week of Nov 4 |
Revisit syllabi statements Incorporating D/E/I in teaching philosophy statements and beyond |
Pilot materials with assessments, review and revise diversity and inclusion message from kick-off meeting. Implement lesson |
Week of Nov 18 |
Discuss updated syllabi/DEI statements Share progress Make plans for completing lessons |
Final reflection
Week of Dec 2 | Show and tell | Publish lesson on the QUBES Hub (date TBD) |