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NABT 2018 Serenity Session
Dylan Chase McHugh
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Hey Drew,
Want me to share how I use Serenity/Radiant in the classroom?
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uploaded dfmorph_exploration.rda in project files
uploaded dfmorph.csv in project files
uploaded Sato_exploration.rda in project files
uploaded Sato.csv in project files
uploaded finch_status.csv in project files
uploaded extractIslandDataFromPDF.R, island_summary.csv in project files
uploaded extractIslandDataFromPDF.R in project files
uploaded Lack_exploration.rda in project files
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uploaded in project files
uploaded SW18Files in project files
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Wiki page "Quick Links" created
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deleted draft 1.0 of resource "Serenity now! Keep calm and do science with real data in the classroom"
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