Spectrograms are a immensely helpful tools when it comes to bird song analysis, with many uses ranging from identification, taxonomy, to comparative analysis between similar species. Such 2-dimensional representations of sound are widely used in ornithology, but can only be interpreted with specific software. A simple recording that can be done with any kind of device can be uploaded to that software and be worked with. An example of that software would be [http://www.birds.cornell.edu/brp/raven/RavenOverview.html Raven Viewer]. Raven Viewer, however, is currently in a rocky stage of support and it seems will until further notice be disbanded by the creators, The Cornell Lab of Ornithology. However there are many alternative ways to obtain and work with spectrograms such as websites like [https://academo.org/demos/spectrum-analyzer/ Spectrum Analyzer]. Once on the website, one can upload a file into the in-browser tool and instantly have a spectrogram generated for the sound file. There are many more, more intricate software though suited for more advanced analysis. [[Image(raven_logo.jpg)]] As of right now, [[http://macaulaylibrary.org/?__hstc=161696355.054893fb9362a035e35c1a498421654d.1484620936946.1484620936946.1485531058650.2&__hssc=161696355.1.1485531058650&__hsfp=4069307640#_ga=1.28671292.1652827450.1484620936 The Cornell Lab of Ornithology]] offers no alternative and therefore their data repositories are solely usable on their own website.