About the Group

Public Description



This is an interdisciplinary faculty community of practice, that connects immunology educators with faculty in other biology disciplines, with an intention to increase access to concept-focused immunology education across the undergraduate curriculum, and in diverse institutional settings. The group meets virtually over the Fall and Spring, to foster collaborations and mentoring, for the development, implementation, and assessment of educational resources developed by the community members. This learning community shares classroom strategies, experiences and best practices, with a particular emphasis on pedagogical methods that develop skills and conceptual knowledge in undergraduate students. 







Created by Sumali Pandey Last Modified Mon March 23, 2020 10:25 pm by Sumali Pandey


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    Douglas Stemke

    Hello and thank you for letting me join.  My name is Doug Stemke and I am a microbiologist at the University of Indianapolis. I have been teaching an undergraduate course in Immunology now (on and off) since 2016 and have been asked to include a weekly one hour section  for graduate (masters level) students.  My intent is to largely focus on primary research in the form of presentation and discussion, probably additional case studies for graduate students, but I have never quite taught a course in this fashion so would appreciate source material for the articles and structure for the activity.

    For your consideration I have a draft of my undergraduate syllabus attached which will be augmented with the extra hour for graduate students.

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