Susan Merkel

Cornell University

Course Editors



Editor Degrees

  • B.S. Public Health, UNC-Chapel Hill 
  • M.S. Microbiology, Cornell University

About Teaching and CourseSource

I began teaching microbiology at Cornell University in 1991. Back in the day, I taught general microbiology using the technology of the day (a chalkboard and overhead transparencies), which forced me think about how to actively engage my students. I am now teaching public health microbiology, still using active learning but with much more sophisticated technology!  As a Senior Lecturer, I have trained graduate students how to use and assess evidence-based teaching strategies. In addition to teaching, I am now working for the Cornell College of Agriculture and Life Science as the Associate Director of the Office of Academic Programs, where I provide support for teaching and learning to faculty across the College.   I learned everything I know about teaching and learning from the American Society of Microbiology (ASM) education community, and was fortunate to have worked with the ASM Committee on Undergraduate Education. Over the last decade, I helped to develop the ASM Curriculum Guidelines for Undergraduate Microbiology and have led many workshops on writing learning outcomes and assessments based on those Guidelines. In 2015, I was honored with the ASM Carski Foundation Distinguished Undergraduate Teaching Award.  As a CourseSource editor, I look forward to supporting learning faculty the same way that others supported me.