• Discoverability Visible
  • Join Policy Restricted
  • Created 23 Aug 2018

1) Are you registered for the course? If not, please e-mail education@asmusaorg for details about late registration. 

2) Click LOGIN. Either log-in or create a QUBES user account. This will step you through creating a QUBES profile if you are new to the platform. 

3) Click on DASHBOARD located in the upper right of the page. Edit your profile by adding a picture, biography, faculty website, and contact information. Please choose either “Public” or “Registered Users Only” as your privacy preference.

4) After you login to your QUBES account, navigate to https://qubeshub.org/community/groups/dber18/overview and REQUEST GROUP MEMBERSHIP. Your membership will be approved by a group moderator. Please allow 1 business day for this process.


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