
Environmental Data Initiative - Featured Data Contributions

  1. Sam S Donovan

    "The Environmental Data Initiative (EDI) began in the summer of 2016 as a collaboration between two US National Science Foundation (NSF) grants, one awarded to the University of Wisconsin (UW) named NIMO and the other to the University of New Mexico (UNM) for PASTA+ (together, they are known as EDI). Both groups originate from the Long Term Ecological Research (LTER) Network and consist of highly motivated and experienced data practitioners, software developers, and research scientists." read more ... 

    They do a lot of things and provide a lot of resources including featured data contributions.

    Share a reply if you have used any of these to teach or if you know of other similar resources. 


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  2. Sam S Donovan

    These are pretty interesting to poke around in and think about what students could learn by looking a the sophistication needed to archive / share a set of data packages. I've attached a schematic of the data packages from "Derived data product for: SBC LTER: Reef: Kelp Forest Community Dynamics: Fish abundance
    Reed D. (2018)

    I really like the way that the featured data package page complements the standard data record. It reminds me of the the Molecule of the month resources from the Protein Data Bank data repository.  

    Schematic view of dataset levels. A flexible intermediate (L1, middle) lies between datasets of primary observations (L0, left) and the aggregated views used by synthesis projects.

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