Benefits of Joining iBEARS
Connecting 4th through 8th Grade Student Mentees to College Student Mentors
While Instilling 21st Century Skills in Both Groups
Why should graduate students join iBEARS?
"As a current and future scholar in the field of education, iBEARS provides many opportunities to translate theory into practice. From working directly with undergraduate biology mentors to collecting and analyzing data from K-12 research posters, the opportunities to get involved are endless. Authentic research and practical experiences are incorporated into an inclusive STEM context with an incredible group of scholars!"
Please contact Alex or Maryann with graduate student-related questions about iBEARS.
Why should educational technologists join iBEARS?
The iBEARS network will be of interest to practitioners and researchers in the educational technology field because of its emphasis on 21st century skills - skills that were always important but are now more urgent than ever as schools and workplaces become more immersed in communication technologies. In addition, the mentoring that occurs between university students and K-12 classrooms is conducted online, giving educational technology researchers an opportunity to explore how students learn to manage interaction, communication, and mentoring relationships in online settings.
Please contact Penny with questions related to the 21st century skills and educational technology aspects of iBEARS.