QUBES will have scheduled maintenance work on Tuesday, December 17, 2024, beginning sometime between 5 pm PST and 11:59 pm PST, with downtime lasting approximately 30 minutes. All running tool sessions will expire during the maintenance window. Please plan accordingly and we do apologize for any inconvenience. close


Sam S Donovan

  • Extended Profile
  • Organization
    BioQUEST Curriculum Consortium
  • Employment Status
  • Website
  • Telephone
    (not set)
  • Reason
    (not set)
  • Address
    city: Pittsburgh
    region: PA
    country: US
    latitude: 0
    longitude: 0
  • Biography
    I am the Director of Outreach and Strategic Engagement with the BioQUEST Curriculum Consortium. I have over 25 years of experience teaching introductory biology, ecology, and evolution courses. I'm also on the leadership team of the QUBES project and I spend a lot of my time thinking about how to bring new teaching and learning resources into classrooms.
    Learn more about our recently funded projects:
    • SPICE - Resources to support CC faculty pursuing NSF-ITYC funding.

    • OEE-RCN - A research coordination network to characterize the interface of open science and open education.

    You can catch me at the BioQUEST Office Hours.
    I am active on BlueSky @SamDonovan.net