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  • Created 24 Jun 2015

Background for the Mayes and Dauer brainstorm

Bob and I have a little time at the workshop to describe discussions we have had since the last meeting. We have been thinking about pilot research and also potential grant proposals. He and I have grounded our discussions in his learning progression framework on quantitative reasoning. In his paper (attached), he describes 3 progress variables (quantification acts, quantitative interpretation, and quantitative modeling) and 4 elements of each of these progress variables. He also lays out some possible research directions. If you have some time on the plane, it is a nice reference and the basis for where he and I are currently. If time is tight, you may want to start at the iteration 3 heading and read about the different elements of the progress variables. 

Also, if you are on the flight from Chicago landing at 8:15 pm (flight 3835), let me know, we can share a taxi.


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