Online Content for Experiential Learning of Tropical Systems


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Author Guidelines

Author(s): Chris Beck1, Jennifer Berglund2, Mac Aime Cardona3, Kristin Douglas4, Peter Ersts4, Carlos Garcia-Robledo5, Nadav Gazit4, Rebecca Hardin6, Jeffrey Klemens7, M. Drew LaMar8, Kim Landrigan4, Ann E Russell9, Suzanne Macey4, George Middendorf10, César Nufio11, Michelle Phillips12, Ursula Valdez13, Ed Waisanen14, Charles Willis15

1. Emory University 2. Oh Sisters Productions 3. cWave Labs 4. American Museum of Natural History 5. University of Connecticut 6. University of Michigan School for Environment and Sustainability 7. Thomas Jefferson University 8. College of William and Mary 9. Iowa State University 10. Howard University 11. University of Colorado 12. Hawai'i Community College 13. University of Washington 14. University of Michigan 15. University of Minnesota

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These Author Guidelines are designed to assist module authors throughout this participatory process of creating a new OCELOTS module or adapting an existing one.

Licensed under CC Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International according to these terms

Version 2.0 - published on 24 Jul 2023 doi:10.25334/BAEZ-7478 - cite this




Support was provided by: A grant from the United States National Science Foundation (DBI-RCN-UBE 2120141).

Cite this work

Researchers should cite this work as follows:

  • Chris Beck, Jennifer Berglund, Mac Aime Cardona, Kristin Douglas, Peter Ersts, Carlos Garcia-Robledo, Nadav Gazit, Rebecca Hardin, Jeffrey Klemens, M. Drew LaMar, Kim Landrigan, Ann E Russell, Suzanne Macey, George Middendorf, César Nufio, Michelle Phillips, Ursula Valdez, Ed Waisanen, Charles Willis (2023). Author Guidelines. OCELOTS, (Version 2.0). QUBES Educational Resources. doi:10.25334/BAEZ-7478

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