
CC Math Colleagues: RUME Conference 2022

  1. Vedham Karpakakunjaram

    Attention QB@CC Math colleagues:


    I am sharing an announcement that I received from Research in Undergraduate Mathematics Education (RUME) listserv today. This may be a good opportunity for those of you interested in Math Education Research and wanting to be part of and leaders in the CC network in the RUME circles.


    Dear colleagues,

    We would like to invite you to attend the community college mathematics education working group at the RUME conference next month.  


    The group is intended to bring together researchers and practitioners with an interest or expertise in the unique context of teaching and learning mathematics at community colleges to discuss plans for ongoing and future collaborations on specific research questions.  The goal of the working group remains to create a collaborative community that includes a diversity of perspectives, including both practitioners and researchers, as well as participants who are new to the field but who may bring expertise from other relevant areas.  Roughly half of all current college students, including mathematics majors, have gotten their start at community colleges, yet relatively little is known about what happens in mathematics classrooms in this context--as a group, we hope to bring our diverse perspectives together to generate research that could help fill this gap.  


    The particular focus for this meeting of the working group this year we will be the following three topics:  specific advocacy plans for community college mathematics research, including drafting further research commentaries and/or discussing unique issues surrounding community college mathematics research with federal funding agencies; developing specific mentoring, networking, or other support plans for mathematics education doctoral students with an interest in community colleges (including current community college faculty); and developing further future conferences or special issues focused on community college mathematics research. 


    In past working group sessions, community college practitioners and researchers have outlined a research agenda for community college mathematics, outlined papers, put together special journal issues, and built collaborations that have led to several large-scale funded research projects. This working group is intended for anyone who is interested in investigating mathematics education in the community college context, including active scholars in mathematics education, graduate students or new researchers, and research-practitioners who see research and teaching at the community college as their primary focus. 


    The working group will be held on Thursday, February 24th, 8:00am - 12:00pm just before the start of the RUME conference.  We hope to see you there!


    In the meantime if you have any questions, feel free to contact us at,  or   




    Claire Wladis

    Irene Duranczyk

    Vilma Mesa




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