
Covid-19 Educational Module

  1. Glenn Ledder

    Looking for online teaching materials?  Materials to help your students understand Covid-19?  I've tried to address these needs by writing a Covid-19 educational module.  The core of the module is an implementation of a Covid-19 model I created in an Excel spreadsheet.  Minimal math background is required because of the way it is structured.  The top sheet of the workbook is the MUI (model-user interface).  Parameter cells are highlighted in yellow and output cells are highlighted in blue.  The only other thing on the top sheet is a pair of graphs.  Like a function in a real computer program, the calculation sheets receive inputs copied from the top sheet and then return results to cells in the top sheet.  The module comes with a large set of pre-designed experiments, each with questions students are to address using the results of the experiment.

    You can find the module at and I've posted a YouTube video at

    The model itself is a modified version of the SEIR DE model, with the infective class divided into asymptomatic, symptomatic, and hospitalized.  The input parameters include a social distancing parameter and a testing rate parameter, along with parameters needed to represent the disease.

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    Replying to Glenn Ledder

    1. Glenn Ledder

      Correction.  The web page is

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