Science CaseNet Project

  The Science Case Network, is a newly established Research Coordination Network for Undergraduate Biology Education, centers on expanding the use of and knowledge about two effective teaching approaches: case studies and problem based learning (PBL). The Science Case Network seeks to connect case study and PBL innovators, researchers, and user groups to further the understanding of the effectiveness of these methods.

  Case studies and PBL have been shown to help undergraduates develop superior skills in question formulation and data analysis while they learn as much content as with traditional methods. Using these approaches, students collaboratively analyze a scenario that presents a biological issue within a realistic setting. Students then conduct investigations and report findings.

QUBES Project

The mission of the Quantitative Undergraduate Biology Education and Synthesis (QUBES) project is to improve learning opportunities for all students enrolled in undergraduate biology courses by reflecting the centrality of quantitative approaches in modern biology [more info about QUBES]. One of the ways that QUBES promotes quantitative approaches is by partnering with existing projects and communities to facilitate the discovery and use of their materials [more info about partner projects].

Science CaseNet / QUBES collaboration

Science CaseNet and QUBES have joined forces to Collaborate Undergraduate Biology Education through the use of shared forums, collections, resources, and files.

Created by Timothy John Beaulieu Last Modified Thu June 16, 2016 11:38 am by Timothy John Beaulieu