Registration Open - Open Practices, Open Science, and Social Justice Learning Community

Please join a 6-session Learning Community series entitled Educating our Next Generation of Scientists: Open Educational Practices, Open Science and Social Justice Learning Community led by Dr. Karen Cangialosi in which participants will engage in discussions, short readings and mini-workshops to explore basic tools for OEP.  This learning community is designed for project and organizational leaders who are working with instructors who develop and/or implement STEM curriculum as well as policy makers and funders who want to learn more about the connections between open science and open education.


The learning community will meet on Wednesday mornings 8:00 - 9:30 AM (Eastern) from April 7 - May 12.  



Registrations due by Saturday, April 3rd


Topics to be covered include:

Week 1:  The open ecosystem: exploring key elements of OER, OEP, open pedagogy and open science

Week 2:  Diving deeper into open licenses: How exactly do they work and how can they be leveraged to enhance students’ experiences in STEM?

Week 3:  Strategies for using open pedagogy in STEM courses:  Emphasizing a social justice framework

Week 4:  Trust and Power in the STEM classroom: A focus on student agency

Week 5:  Exploring the transformative potential of Open Science: Open Science for whom?

Week 6:  Practices for bringing inclusive Open Science into the STEM classroom and research lab


This learning community is funded by the Hewlett Foundation grant #2020-1363 to Bates College.

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