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SCUDEM I 2017 Competition Results

We place here all the student teams' Executive Summaries and Presentations from SCUDEM 2017 from Competition Saturday, 14 October 2017, at Mount Saint Mary College, Newburgh NY USA. They can be found under the black Download button to the upper right in the Additional materials available area - just click on "Additional materials available" and see the complete set of submissions. View PowerPoint OverView of SCUDEM 2017 Competition Saturday. View AWESOME SCUDEM 2017 YouTube video of faculty and students sharing their enthusiasm for SCUDEM. After watching this video you will say, "Sign us up!" Just view it! We have posted the Three Problems and the corresponding Supplemental Issues for each of the problems. Click on the name of interest to see them. We have posted Commentary and Overview on the Problems for SCUDEM 2017 from the problem author, Dr. Kelly Black, of the Department of Mathematics, University of Georgia, Athens GA USA, We have posted the student MathBowl for you to try. The top student score was 15/20. Give the MathBowl a try and see how you compared to the student performance. If you are a registered member of SIMIODE and in our Teachers Group then you can "find" the answers to the MathBowl with a smart search :+) If you are not registered and you are a Teacher then please REGISTER and we will put you in our Teachers Group where you can find many, many resource materials for teaching differential equations using modeling AND the answers to the MathBowl! We have posted the two presentations made during the Faculty Development Workshop held at SCUDEM 2017. (1) Zombies (and other stuff) in a Mathematical Biology Special Topics Course, by Christina Alvey, Mount Saint Mary College, Newburgh NY USA (2) Modeling Activities - How to Find, Create, and Use them in Teaching Differential Equations, by Brian Winkel, Director SIMIODE, Cornwall NY USA We have posted the Summary of All Scores and Awards here - click at the Download (PDF) button to the upper right. The Outstanding Award went to the teams from Lehigh University, Manhattan College, and the University of Massachusetts-Amherst. The Meritorious Award went to the teams from New York City College of Technology, United States Military Academy, and the University of Bridgeport. Several schools had press release/articles about their school team's participation. }}}