
SimBio produces software that uses sophisticated interactive simulations to teach biology in an inquiry-driven learning style. We also conduct grant-funded research to understand how to make educational software more effective. Our products allow students to conduct simulated experiments similar to those performed by practicing scientists, in fields of biology where live experiments are impractical or impossible.

SimBio was founded (as BeakerWare) in 1998 to distribute the second version of EcoBeaker®, our flagship program for teaching ecology using simulated experiments. Since then we have released new versions of EcoBeaker for colleges, high schools, and middle schools. We've also developed or assisted in developing programs for teaching evolution (EvoBeaker®), basic cell physiology (OsmoBeaker®), and neurobiology (NerveWorks™). We've conducted a substantial amount of research on the educational effectiveness of these programs, funded in part with grants from the National Science Foundation and the National Institutes of Health. In addition, we've adapted our programs to produce several museum exhibits.

Our goal is to improve biology education at all educational levels through the appropriate use of advanced technology. And to help make teaching and learning biology fun!

QUBES Project

The mission of the Quantitative Undergraduate Biology Education and Synthesis (QUBES) project is to improve learning opportunities for all students enrolled in undergraduate biology courses by reflecting the centrality of quantitative approaches in modern biology [more info about QUBES]. One of the ways that QUBES promotes quantitative approaches is by partnering with existing projects and communities to facilitate the discovery and use of their materials [more info about partner projects].

The SimBio/ QUBES collaboration

SimBio and QUBES have joined forces to: