
Modeling Scenario


Author(s): Brian Winkel

SIMIODE - Systemic Initiative for Modeling Investigations and Opportunities with Differential Equations

Keywords: filters circuit RLC circuit Kirchhoff voltage gain driver

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Resource Image Students to build a system of differential equations which model a circuit. We give each student a unique input voltage frequency parameter and ask for system response (gain) to that input as a voltage over one of the resistors.


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We require students to build a system of differential equations which model a circuit. We give each student a unique input voltage frequency parameter and ask for system response (gain) to that input as a voltage over one of the resistors in the second loop of the circuit. Students collect the data, plot their results, and discover a cascaded high-low filter circuit is the object of their study.

We present a two loop circuit for analysis. Using different frequency voltages we drive the circuit and asking you and your classmates to report back gain (defined below) from the circuit, wherein one can plot the gain versus input voltage frequency data from the entire class to analyze this circuit. Some basic electrical circuit notions are offered from a textbook source we have used. Of course, there are other sources, e.g., electrical engineering and circuits texts, physics texts, and web-based material.

This ratio of the amplitude of the output voltage to the amplitude of the input or source voltage is called gain and we seek the gain for various input voltage frequencies (frequency here is in radians/second) with 100 being the trial run frequency.

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Author(s): Brian Winkel

SIMIODE - Systemic Initiative for Modeling Investigations and Opportunities with Differential Equations



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