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  • Created 03 Sep 2019

"Universal Design for Learning Resources" 4 posts Sort by created date Sort by defined ordering View as a grid View as a list

Accessibility Toolkit

The goal of the Accessibility Toolkit – 2nd Edition is to provide resources for each content creator, instructional designer, educational technologist, librarian, administrator, and teaching assistant to create a truly open textbook—one that is free and accessible for all students.

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WAVE Web Accessibility Evaluation Tool

WAVE is an accessibility evaluation tool from WebAIM. Just enter a url into the tool and WAVE will provide you with a report of adherence with Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) and suggest changes for improvement. 

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Universal Design for Learning Guidelines

The UDL Guidelines are a tool used in the implementation of Universal Design for Learning, a framework to improve and optimize teaching and learning for all people based on scientific insights into how humans learn.

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UDL progression rubric - where are you at now?

Rubric to help you see where you lie along the continuum of UDL best practices. Novak & Rodriguez 2018.

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