# Steps for a new environment: # Basic command layout to create a new environment: (don't call this! replace with the environment name and python version you want!) mamba create --name python=3.X # e.g., this will create a new environment called "test_env" that uses python 3.8 mamba create --name test_env python=3.8 # Install whatever modules you need (don't call this!) mamba install # e.g. this will install ipython: mamba install ipython # Install a specific version of scipy: mamba install scipy=0.15.0 # (install whatever else you need; maybe from a script??) # You can use pip to install too, but best to use pip AFTER you use mamba or conda! pip install h5py # Finally, add the kernel for this environment to jupyter, such that jupyter will know about it ipython kernel install --user --name test_env # More: # New environment from a yml file: # (This is how we create the environment for this class - all packages and # versions thereof that we want to install are listed in this environment.yml file) mamba env create -f environment.yml # List available environments: conda env list # List available jupyter kernels: jupyer kernelspec list # Remove jupyter kernel jupyter kernelspec remove test_env # More on environments: https://conda.io/projects/conda/en/latest/user-guide/tasks/manage-environments.html#activating-an-environment