REMNet - A National Network for Integrating the Study of Microbiomes into Course-based Undergraduate Research Experiences (RCN-UBE Introduction)
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15 May 2023 | Contributor(s): Theodore Muth, Davida Smyth, Avrom Caplan | doi:10.25334/JX59-EQ90
The mission of REMNet’s “Microbiomes for All!” is to serve as a centralized hub for information and resources on the integration of microbiome studies into the undergraduate curriculum. RemNet focusses on how microbiomes are studied and how data from microbiome projects can be analyzed by students.
Team microBIOME Fall 2020 - DIY microbiome analysis
25 Nov 2020 | Contributor(s): Davida Smyth, Alice Tarun, Christine Girtain, Melanie Lenahan, Maira Goytia, Khuanchivin Geena Sompanya, Theodore Muth | doi:10.25334/Q2JB-X680
This is our final team report for this year's BIOME Institute 2020. Learn about what we got up to and what we're planning for Spring 2021. If you want more information on REMNet go here
Microbiomes forAll: The Research Experiences in Microbiomes Network
21 Jul 2020 | Contributor(s): Jessica Joyner, Davida Smyth, Avrom Caplan, Theodore Muth | doi:10.25334/KXQE-EF88
Poster on REMNet presented at the 2020 BIOME Institute: Cultivating Scientific Curiosity
REMNet: Online Resources 5.3.19
28 Aug 2019 | Contributor(s): Jimiane Ashe, Theodore Muth | doi:10.25334/AH9G-YK47
Video on online resources for studying microbiomes from the Research Experiences in Microbiomes Network
REMNet: Introduction To Instructors 5.3.19
30 Aug 2019 | Contributor(s): Jimiane Ashe, Jessica Joyner, Avrom Caplan, Theodore Muth | doi:10.25334/0V7E-YZ84
Video on incorporating microbiome sequencing into biology education from the Research Experiences in Microbiomes Network
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