"FOR FMNs- Resources for Integrating Quantitative Skills" 3 posts Sort by created date Sort by defined ordering View as a grid View as a list


These modules introduce students (and anyone else who's interested) to the mathematical underpinnings of what they learn in introductory biology courses. But unlike a textbook, the modules are not full of equations and proofs. Instead, we try to bring math to life using intuitive approaches, everyday situations, and even humor. The modules contain hundreds of interactive activities, games, and questions. They range from the relatively simple (what to do with division) to the relatively abstruse (discrete diffusion models).

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Education resources on Data Nugget website

On our Data Nugget website we have a Resources page where we collect all of the great education resources that have come to our attention over the years. We'll be sure to update it with all the suggestions you share here! 

The resources are organized by the science or math concepts addressed, and we have a list of other great educational program websites.

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HHMI BioInteractive teacher guide for math and stats

Topics include measures of average (mean, median, and mode), variability (range and standard deviation), uncertainty (standard error and 95% confidence interval), Chi-square analysis, student t-test, Hardy-Weinberg equation, frequency calculations, and more. 

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