--- title: "Comparing two means: R code for Chapter 12 examples" author: "Michael Whitlock and Dolph Schluter" output: html_document: toc: yes toc_depth: 3 --- _Note: This document was converted to R-Markdown from [this page](http://whitlockschluter.zoology.ubc.ca/r-code/rcode12) by M. Drew LaMar. You can download the R-Markdown [here](https://qubeshub.org/collections/post/1280/download/chap12.Rmd)._ Download the R code on this page as a single file [here](http://whitlockschluter.zoology.ubc.ca/wp-content/rcode/chap12.r) ## New methods Hover over a function argument for a short description of its meaning. The variable names are plucked from the examples further below. **Paired $t$-test** and **95% confidence interval** of a mean difference: > t.test(blackbird\$logAfterImplant, blackbird\$logBeforeImplant, paired = TRUE) **Two-sample $t$-test** and **95% confidence interval** for a difference between two means: > t.test(squamosalHornLength ~ Survival, data = lizard, var.equal = TRUE) **Other new methods:** * The $F$ test to compare two variances. * The 95% confidence interval for the variance ratio. * Levene’s test to compare variances between two (or more) groups. ## Example 12.2. [Red-winged blackbirds](http://whitlockschluter.zoology.ubc.ca/wp-content/data/chapter12/chap12e2BlackbirdTestosterone.csv) *__Confidence interval for mean difference__ and the __paired t-test__, comparing immunocompetence of red-winged blackbirds before and after testosterone implants.* **Read the data into a data frame.** The data are in "wide" format (one row per individual). ```{r} blackbird <- read.csv(url("http://whitlockschluter.zoology.ubc.ca/wp-content/data/chapter12/chap12e2BlackbirdTestosterone.csv")) blackbird ``` **Calculate and plot differences (Figure 12.2-2).** We add a variable called `d` to the data frame with the After minus Before difference. ```{r, fig.width=4, fig.height=4} blackbird$d <- blackbird$logAfterImplant - blackbird$logBeforeImplant head(blackbird) hist(blackbird$d, right = FALSE, col = "firebrick") ``` To see how to produce the **strip chart with lines (Figure 12.2-1)**: ```{r, fig.width=4, fig.height=4} # It helps to obtain a version of the data in "long" format. blackbird2 = reshape(blackbird, varying = 4:5, direction = "long", idvar = "blackbird", v.names = "logAntibody", times = factor(c("before","after"), levels = c("before","after"))) head(blackbird2) par(bty="l") stripchart(logAntibody ~ time, data = blackbird2, vertical = TRUE, xlab = "Implant treatment", ylab="Antibody production rate (ln[mOD/min])", xlim = c(0.6,2.4), las = 1, pch = 16, col = "firebrick") segments(1, blackbird$logBeforeImplant, 2, blackbird$logAfterImplant) ``` **95% confidence interval for the mean difference.** 95% confidence intervals are part of the output of the `t.test` function, viewed in isolation by adding `$conf.int` to the command. ```{r} t.test(blackbird$d)$conf.int ``` or using the `paired = TRUE` argument of `t.test` and specifying the paired variables. ```{r} t.test(blackbird$logAfterImplant, blackbird$logBeforeImplant, paired = TRUE)$conf.int ``` **Paired t-test.** A paired $t$-test can be done either on differences you have already calculated (`d` here) or by using the `paired=TRUE` argument with the measurements from the two groups. ```{r} t.test(blackbird$d) ``` or ```{r} t.test(blackbird$logAfterImplant, blackbird$logBeforeImplant, paired = TRUE) ``` ## Example 12.3. [Horned lizards](http://whitlockschluter.zoology.ubc.ca/wp-content/data/chapter12/chap12e3HornedLizards.csv) *__Confidence interval for the difference between two means__, and the __two-sample $t$-test__, comparing horn length of live and dead (spiked) horned lizards.* ```{r} lizard <- read.csv(url("http://whitlockschluter.zoology.ubc.ca/wp-content/data/chapter12/chap12e3HornedLizards.csv")) lizard ``` Note that there is one missing value for the variable `squamosalHornLength`. Everything is easier if we eliminate the row with missing data. ```{r} lizard2 <- na.omit(lizard) lizard2 ``` **Multiple histograms** using the lattice package. ```{r, fig.width=4, fig.height=4} library(lattice) histogram( ~ squamosalHornLength | Survival, data = lizard2, layout = c(1,2), col = "firebrick", breaks = seq(12, 32, by = 2), xlab = "Horn length (mm)") ``` Here is code to make multiple histograms using `hist` in base R instead. ```{r, fig.width=8, fig.height=6} oldpar = par(no.readonly = TRUE) # make backup of default graph settings par(mfrow = c(2,1), oma = c(4, 6, 2, 6), mar = c(3, 4, 3, 2)) hist(lizard2$squamosalHornLength[lizard2$Survival == "living"], breaks = seq(12,32,by=2), col = "firebrick", las = 1, main = "living", ylab = "Frequency") hist(lizard2$squamosalHornLength[lizard2$Survival == "killed"], breaks = seq(12,32,by=2), col = "firebrick", las = 1, main = "killed", ylab = "Frequency") mtext("Horn length (mm)", side = 1, outer = TRUE, padj = 0) par(oldpar) # revert to default graph settings ``` **95% confidence interval for the difference between means** The output of `t.test` includes the 95% confidence interval for the difference between means. Add `$confint` after calling the function to get R to report only the confidence interval. The formula in the following command tells R to compare `squamosalHornLength` between the two groups indicated by `Survival`. ```{r} t.test(squamosalHornLength ~ Survival, data = lizard, var.equal = TRUE)$conf.int ``` **A two-sample $t$-test** of the difference between two means can be carried out with `t.test` by using a formula, asking if `squamosalHornLength` is predicted by `Survival`, and specifying that the variables are in the data frame `lizard`. ```{r} t.test(squamosalHornLength ~ Survival, data = lizard, var.equal = TRUE) ``` ## Example 12.4. [Salmon survival with brook trout](http://whitlockschluter.zoology.ubc.ca/wp-content/data/chapter12/chap12e4BrookTrout.csv) *__Welch's two-sample t-test for unequal variances__, comparing chinook salmon survival in the presents and absence of brook trout. Below, we use this same example to demonstrate the __95% confidence interval for the ratio of two variances__, and the __F-test of equal variances__.* Read the data. ```{r} chinook <- read.csv(url("http://whitlockschluter.zoology.ubc.ca/wp-content/data/chapter12/chap12e4ChinookWithBrookTrout.csv")) ``` Set the preferred order of categories in tables and graphs ```{r} chinook$troutTreatment <- factor(chinook$troutTreatment, levels = c("present", "absent")) ``` **Strip chart of the data** (bare bones version of Figure 12.4-1) ```{r, fig.width=4, fig.height=4} stripchart(proportionSurvived ~ troutTreatment, data = chinook, method = "jitter", vertical = TRUE) ``` Adding the means and confidence intervals to the plot is trickier. Code for a fancier plot is as follows. ```{r, fig.width=4, fig.height=4} # Calculate means and confidence intervals for the means. meanProportion = tapply(chinook$proportionSurvived, chinook$troutTreatment, mean) ciPresence = t.test(chinook$proportionSurvived[chinook$troutTreatment == "present"])$conf.int ciAbsence = t.test(chinook$proportionSurvived[chinook$troutTreatment == "absent"])$conf.int lower = c(ciPresence[1], ciAbsence[1]) upper = c(ciPresence[2], ciAbsence[2]) # Stripchart with options adjustAmount = 0.2 par(bty = "l") stripchart(proportionSurvived ~ troutTreatment, data = chinook, vertical = TRUE,method = "jitter", jitter = 0.1, pch = 1, col = "firebrick", cex = 1.5, las = 1, ylim = c(0, max(chinook$proportionSurvived)), lwd = 1.5, xlab = "Trout treatment", ylab = "Proportion surviving") segments( c(1,2) + adjustAmount, lower, c(1,2) + adjustAmount, upper) points(meanProportion ~ c( c(1,2) + adjustAmount ), pch = 16, cex = 1.2) ``` **Calculating summary statistics by group** (as found in Table 12.4-3) Use `tapply` to calculate statistics by group. It has three required arguments. The first is the numeric variable of interest (a vector). The second argument is a categorical variable (a vector of the same length) identifying the groups that individuals belong to. The third argument is the name of the R function that you want to apply to the variable by group. ```{r} meanProportion <- tapply(chinook$proportionSurvived, chinook$troutTreatment, mean) sdProportion <- tapply(chinook$proportionSurvived, chinook$troutTreatment, sd) nProportion <- tapply(chinook$proportionSurvived, chinook$troutTreatment, length) data.frame(mean = meanProportion, std.dev = sdProportion, n = nProportion) ``` **Welch's two-sample $t$-test** of means for unequal variances can also be done with `t.test`, when the `var.equal` argument is set to `FALSE` (as it is by default): ```{r} t.test(proportionSurvived ~ troutTreatment, data = chinook, var.equal = FALSE) ``` *Here, we demonstrate the __95% confidence interval for the ratio of two variances__, and __F-test of equal variances__, using the chinook salmon experiment.* **95% confidence interval for variance ratio.** (Warning: remember that the method is not robust to departures from assumption of normality.) ```{r} var.test(proportionSurvived ~ troutTreatment, data = chinook)$conf.int ``` **$F$-test** of equal variances (Warning: Remember that the $F$-test is not robust to departures from assumption of normality.) ```{r} var.test(proportionSurvived ~ troutTreatment, data = chinook) ``` **Levene's test** of equal variances. This function is in the `car` package, which must first be installed and loaded with the library function before use. ```{r, warning=FALSE, message=FALSE} if (!require("car")) {install.packages("car", dependencies = TRUE, repos="http://cran.rstudio.com/")} library(car) leveneTest(chinook$proportionSurvived, group = chinook$troutTreatment, center = mean) ```