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The Analysis of Biological Data
2nd Edition

Michael Whitlock and Dolph Schluter
Macmillan Learning, 2015

This site is a venue for users of Whitlock & Schluter 2015 ("W&S"), especially instructors teaching classes using the book, to share resources and teaching strategies, collaborate with other users, and provide feedback about their experiences using the book. The site is hosted by the QUBES (Quantitative Undergraduate Biology Education and Synthesis) project.

The primary site for the W&S book remains the authors’ site at whitlockschluter.zoology.ubc.ca. There you can: find all datasets for examples and exercises; a list of corrections; a suggestions page (e.g., in case you've found any errors); links to supplemental R code for each chapter (including code to reproduce figures in the textbook); and a set of online visualizations for some statistical concepts. 

The links across the top of this page provide the following functions:

Overview: Links to information about the book, and tips on using this site.
Members: See and contact members of the QUBES ABD Group. (Information on membership is below.)
Announcements: See and contribute announcements related to W&S and ABD education.
Collections: Find, download, and contribute materials related to W&S such as lecture notes and other instructional materials.
Forum: Ask and answer questions related to specific parts of W&S, using R with the book, and other teaching issues.
Projects: Collaborate with other members on projects such as new teaching materials and models.
Wish list: Submit suggestions for improvements to the book or this site.


Most functions of this site are available only to members. We use membership to avoid spam and keep site content as focused and relevant as possible for those using W&S to teach classes (or themselves). Members also receive email notification when material is added to this site. To become a member, you must be a QUBESHub member (click here to register for the first time), and then join by clicking here.

Opportunities for faculty

QUBES, the biomathematics education project hosting this site, is also hosting "faculty mentoring networks" where faculty and expert mentors interact during the semester while faculty are teaching - discussing, sharing, and working together on a focused topic.  Click here for information about networks on biomathematics education topics. 

To use RStudio in your web browser, without local installation, click here, then click the green Launch Tool button.
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