Welcome to the Neuroscience Case Network

NeuroCaseNet is a network of current and future faculty that are interested in development, use and research on case studies and PBL teaching methods in neuroscience curricula. While the neuroscience community is large and organized and there is strong support for neuroscience education within the community, the adoption of case studies and PBL methods within neuroscience courses is less developed. Finding appropriate teaching resources, perhaps due to the interdisciplinary nature of neuroscience as a discipline, can be difficult. This network will provide collaboration opportunities for educators with a strong interest in using these pedagogies in the classroom and create a platform for the discussion and dissemination of new teaching resources for the broader neuroscience education community. The goal is that increased faculty and future faculty collaboration on creating case studies will enhance neuroscience education in all institutional contexts.


The broad objectives of this network are twofold: to provide collaboration opportunities for educators with a strong interest in using these pedagogies in the classroom and to create a platform for the discussion and dissemination of new teaching resources for the broader neuroscience education community. 


Image credit: http://www.humanconnectomeproject.org/gallery/