
ASM Conference for Undergraduate Educators (ASMCUE) - Submit a short talk and apply for travel awards by April 30th

ASMCUE 2019 logo

Hurry, time is running out to submit a microbrew and apply for travel awards!

Share your best strategy for the lab or classroom at the ASM Conference for Undergraduate Educators (ASMCUE), August 1–4, in Tysons, VA. ASMCUE is driven by the community! Attendees gain best practices and classroom strategies, hear biology education research updates, and learn from scientific speakers. Submit a short talk (microbrew) and apply for a travel award by April 30, 11:59 (PT). Don't miss the opportunity to share your ideas with your peers during a short oral presentation and potentially offset the cost of your attendance.

  1. American Society for Microbiology (ASM)
  2. Microbiology Education

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