Research Experiences in Microbiomes Network (REMNet): Introduction To Instructors
By Jimiane Ashe, Jessica Joyner, Avrom Caplan, and Theodore Muth
Module Description:
This resource consists of a short video and the accompanying video transcript created to introduce faculty to the Authentic Research Experience in Microbiology (AREM) microbiome project, a course-based undergraduate research experience that engages college students in microbial community analysis and next-generation sequencing projects around their campuses. The course is designed to be modular and scalable and can easily be integrated into existing courses. AREM has been implemented at 14 City University of New York (CUNY) campuses, where students are investigating the microbiome of New York City across its boroughs, its streets and parks, and across time. AREM is now being made available to faculty and across the country interested in incorporating next-generation microbiome sequencing into their biology course curriculum as part of Research Experiences in Microbiomes Network (REMNet). REMNet is a community of microbiology practitioners who are interested in developing standards for research in microbiomes that can be incorporated into the undergraduate curriculum. This resource provides an introduction to REMNet and invites faculty to join the network.
Teaching Setting:
This resource is of interest to faculty looking to incorporate microbiome sequencing into the undergraduate biology curriculum. AREM can be integrated into a variety of courses, including courses for science and non-science majors, introductory biology and upper-level capstone courses, at both four-year and community colleges.
Ashe, J., Joyner, J., Caplan, A., Muth, T. (2019). REMNet: Introduction To Instructors 5.3.19. Research Experiences in Microbiomes Network - REMNet, QUBES Educational Resources. doi:10.25334/0V7E-YZ84