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Resources for Grouped Graphs Swirl Lesson
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Resources for Grouped Graphs

Swirl Lesson

Resources to help with some basic concepts needed for this lesson

Summary of many useful statistical terms

Video overview of some basic statistical information including types of graphs, mean, SD, median, and IQR

Video overview of some basic statistical terminology including observations, variables, and data matrices

Quick overview of different variable types

The boxplot and its pitfalls

Resources to complete the lesson

Metadata describing the dataset used in this lesson

R Code used for this lesson

Resources on why and how to improve data visualization

Weissgerber et al. 2019 paper from the journal Circulation (and the references cited within it) is a good overview of why it is recommended that you DO NOT use bar graphs for data with continuous dependent variables grouped by a categorical independent variable.  This paper focuses on visualization problems in peripheral vascular disease journals, but the conclusions are widely applicable.

Webinar Report: Transforming data visualisation to improve transparency and reproducibility 

This is a recording of a webinar talk given by Tracey Weissgerber that included many of the same concepts as the 2019 paper above.