library(tidyverse) library(MASS) library(car) library(agricolae) read_csv("datasets/reduced.csv") -> reduced ##### P1 Developing hypotheses ##### #Create your 6 null and alternate hypotheses HO1 <- "sample null hypothesis 1," HA1 <- "sample alternate hypothesis 1," HO2 <- "sample null hypothesis 2." HA2 <- "sample alternate hypothesis 2." print(paste("Our null hypotheses are that", HO1, "as well as", HO2, "Our alternate hypotheses are that", HA1, "as well as", HA2)) ##### P2 Exploring the Data ##### #Summarize the data #Create and save your boxplots ggplot(reduced) + geom_boxplot() + aes(x = predictor, y = response) -> figure_1 ggsave("figure_1.png", figure_1, height = 4, width = 7) #Make and save your interaction plot png("interaction_plot.png", width = 7, height = 4, units = "in", res = 100) interaction.plot(x.factor = reduced$Treatment, trace.factor = reduced$Gradient, response = reduced$EarlyGrowth, fun = mean, type = "b", leg.bty = "o", fixed = TRUE, trace.label = "Legend label", xlab = "axis label", ylab = "axis label") ##### P3 Conducting Normality Tests ##### #Perform the Shapiro-Wilk test reduced %>% group_by(Treatment, Gradient) %>% summarise_all(.funs = funs(statistic = shapiro.test(.)$statistic, p.value = shapiro.test(.)$p.value)) -> SWtest print(SWtest) #Create a model and make a QQ plot lm(response ~ Predictor_1 * Predictor_2, data = reduced) -> model qqnorm(model$residuals); qqline(model$residuals) ##### P4 Box-Cox Transformation ##### #Perform the Box-Cox Transformation on the model and find the best lambda boxcox(model) -> bc lmda <- bc$x[which.max(bc$y)] #Create a new model lm(((EarlyGrowth^lmda-1)/lmda) ~ Predictor_1 * Predictor_2, data = reduced) -> normal_model #Make a new dataset reduced %>% mutate(BC_Growth = ((EarlyGrowth^lmda-1)/lmda)) -> new #Perform Part 3 again with the transformed data ##### P5 Testing for Homogeneity ##### #Conduct the Levene Test leveneTest(response ~ Predictor_1 * Predictor_2, data = new) #Extract the P-value from the test and answer whether it is significant or not ##### P6 Conducting the 2-Way ANOVA ##### #Conduct the Two-Way ANOVA lm(response ~ Predictor_1 * Predictor_2, data = new) -> new_model #print the results of this ANOVA as well as a summary of it aov(new_model) ##### P7 Interpreting the ANOVA ##### #Should you reject or fail to reject your hypotheses? ##### P8 Conducting a 1-Way ANOVA ##### #Conduct a One-Way ANOVA lm(BC_Growth ~ Gradient, data = new) -> gradient_model #Print the results and a summary of your ANOVA ##### P9 Removing data to make it work ##### #Conduct a Tukey HSD Test HSD.test(gradient_model, "Gradient", alpha = 0.05, group = TRUE, main = "Please help", unbalanced=TRUE, console=TRUE) #Choose what data you will be removing from the dataset #Perform the necessary steps to explore the effectiveness of your choice