% Save M-file as vectorfield.m. Do NOT run this function file. % Copyright Springer 2014. Stephen Lynch. % See the phase protraits in the book. function vectorfield(deqns,xval,yval,t) if nargin==3; t=0; end m=length(xval); n=length(yval); x1=zeros(n,m); y1=zeros(n,m); for a=1:m for b=1:n pts = feval(deqns,t,[xval(a);yval(b)]); x1(b,a) = pts(1); y1(b,a) = pts(2); end end arrow=sqrt(x1.^2+y1.^2); quiver(xval,yval,x1./arrow,y1./arrow,.5,'r'); axis tight; % End of vectorfield.m.