SCORE - Network for an Open and Accessible Biology Education: The promise of equity and the challenge of sustainability (RCU-UBE Introduction)
Author(s): Carrie Diaz Eaton1, Michelle Smith2, Kaitlin Bonner3, Jason Douma4, Jeremy M Wojdak5
1. Bates College and QUBES 2. Cornell University 3. St. John Fisher College 4. University of Sioux Falls 5. Radford University
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We believe that community is the key to successful projects that can create sustainable change, but that change needs to center equity through open education and inclusive practices. Since our RCN-UBE support, we have partnered with the Hewlett Foundation to support a transformation into the RIOS Institute aimed to help project and organizational leaders accomplish their sustainable equity and inclusion goals for STEM education. We have helped projects migrate to QUBES Hub, including CourseSource and SIMIODE, we have funded guides to help implement UDL in lesson writing, partnered with Science Gateways to run workshops for sustainability of projects, engaged in STEM equity research, and have engaged in multiple collaborations to re-envision Vision and Change and other STEM education teaching policy documents.
Ways to learn more:
- Diaz Eaton, C., Bonner, K., Cangialosi, K., Dewsbury, B., Diamond-Stanic, M., Douma, J., ... & Wilfong, K. (2022). Sustainability and Justice: Challenges and Opportunities for an Open STEM Education. CBE—Life Sciences Education, 21(3), es4.
Ways to get involved:
- We are launching a workshop/learning community at the BioQUEST meeting. We will be running additional learning communities and working groups in the fall. We also offer funding for working groups on a rolling application basis.
If you are interested in learning more and participating, please join this group or email Carrie Diaz Eaton.
Cite this work
Researchers should cite this work as follows:
- Diaz Eaton, C., Smith, M., Bonner, K., Douma, J., Wojdak, J. M. (2023). SCORE - Network for an Open and Accessible Biology Education: The promise of equity and the challenge of sustainability (RCU-UBE Introduction). RCN-UBE Community, QUBES Educational Resources. doi:10.25334/R3E0-HP22