Online Content for Experiential Learning of Tropical Systems


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Restoring tropical forests: Implementing an online module about restoration and succession in an advanced undergraduate ecology course

Author(s): Michael Britton

Arizona State University

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“Restoring tropical forests” was implemented, using restoration as an example of variation in successional pathways, in an undergraduate course at Arizona State University. New versions of the module quiz are included for use.


The OCELOTS module “Restoring tropical forests: Restoring tropical forests: Is planting clusters of trees a cost-effective and ecologically-sound strategy to restore tropical forest?” was implemented in an advanced 400-level undergraduate ecology class. The focus of the implementation was in using tropical forest restoration as an illustration and case study for variation in successional pathways. Students completed the online module and associated quiz outside of class and completed the activity with an in-class discussion of succession, restoration, and the factors that may influence these pathways. The quiz was implemented in Canvas, with short answer questions being changed to multiple choice and “select all that apply” questions, to allow for automatic grading of the assignment in large-enrollment courses. A LaTex and QTI version of the quiz is included in this resource for educators that wish to include the quiz in their own learning management systems (LMSs). The QTI zip file is one of the most common formats to upload quizzes into LMSs such as Canvas, Blackboard, Moodle, Desire2Learn, and many others. The LaTex file can be used to create other file formats for uploads to other types of systems and software.

Support was provided by: A grant from the United States National Science Foundation (DBI-RCN-UBE 2120141).

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