ROSE Network - The Research on STEM Education Network: Improving Research Inclusivity through a Grassroots Culture of Scientific Teaching (RCN-UBE Introduction)
Author(s): James Morris1, Trent Sutton2, Samiksha Raut1, Jeffrey T. Olimpo3
1. University of Alabama at Birmingham 2. University of Alaska Fair Banks 3. The University of Texas at El Paso
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ROSE was originally developed to link three R1 institutions with large URM student body representation with the faculty at satellite colleges whose students often transferred to the R1. Our goal was to help prepare faculty at those community colleges, technical schools, and regional campuses to use authentic research experiences in their introductory courses as a way to help students survive transfer to a 4-year program. Our major effort was to offer Course Development Fellowships to faculty from a wide variety of smaller institutions, ranging from community colleges to liberal arts schools to HBCUs, where faculty spent a year learning about pedagogy and working on reforms for their courses with one-on-one assistance from a DBER-trained postdoc.
Ways to learn more:
- Visit the ROSE Network website
Ways to get involved:
- The ROSE Network's funding period is coming to an end, but anyone who is interested in learning more about the work that was done, email Jeff Morris.
Cite this work
Researchers should cite this work as follows:
- Morris, J., Sutton, T., Raut, S., Olimpo, J. T. (2023). ROSE Network - The Research on STEM Education Network: Improving Research Inclusivity through a Grassroots Culture of Scientific Teaching (RCN-UBE Introduction). RCN-UBE Community, QUBES Educational Resources. doi:10.25334/HM33-F210