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Case Study: Genetic Variation and Speciation in the Black Tailed Rattlesnake complex (Crotalus molossus)

Author(s): Julie Marie Schlichte1, Eli Greenbaum2, Vicky Zhuang

1. The University of Texas at El Paso 2. University of Texas at El Paso

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It is important for biology students to understand how genetic variation is related to the formation of species in nature. This module is intended for students to obtain first hand experience with a real world case study of how researchers working…


It is important for biology students to understand how genetic variation is related to the formation of species in nature. This module is intended for students to obtain first hand experience with a real world case study of how researchers working with a widely distributed species of snake detected that two different species were present. Through a video lecture featuring researchers, some of whom were involved in the black-tailed rattlesnake split, students explore the rationale for the taxonomic decisions outlined in the project. Subsequently, students are guided through a series of analytical processes working with the data from the 2012 study that are derived from genetic, morphological, and geographical information.

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Version 1.0 - published on 23 Feb 2024 doi:10.25334/GGJ0-F020 - cite this


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