What the Mendel
Author(s): Leah Dudley1, Lindsey Tuominen2
1. East Central University 2. Metropolitan State University
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Students will work through hypothesis testing using Mendelian genetics. First developing a hypothesis using the Punnett square method for monohybrid crosses, then testing their hypotheses using monohybrid corn. This will be followed by dihybrid hypothesis development and testing with dihybrid corn. Finally, tests will be constructed for a monohybrid cross and tested with Wisconsin Fast Plant seedling phenotypes.
This differs from the original in the use of corn as a precursor to the Wisconsin Fast Plants. One addition that would be easy to make would be to add chi-square analyses. This takes 2 weeks for completion since seeds are sown the first lab and phenotyped the second lab. There are F2 Fast Plants through Carolina Biological that could also be used to expand the current lab.
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Researchers should cite this work as follows:
- Dudley, L., Tuominen, L. (2018). What the Mendel. Plants by the Numbers, QUBES Educational Resources. doi:10.25334/Q4F99W