--- title: "Biogeography of Plant-Associated Microbial Communities" author: "Naupaka Zimmerman" date: "4/19/2017" output: ioslides_presentation: smaller: true --- ## Loading the data ```{r read-in-data, echo = TRUE} # Load in the species matrix and the environmental metadata together otu_matrix_w_enviro <- read.csv("data/2011-02-06_OTU_counts_and_metadata_QC_NBZ.csv") ``` ## Visualizing one part of the data ```{r boxplot} boxplot(OTU_0001 ~ approx_annual_rainfall_mm, data = otu_matrix_w_enviro, xlab = "Mean annual rainfall (mm)", ylab = "Number of sequences (abundance)", main = "OTU0001 abundance and mean annual rainfall") ``` ## Are the differences significant? ```{r statistical-test} kruskal.test(OTU_0001 ~ approx_annual_rainfall_mm, data = otu_matrix_w_enviro) ```