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Author(s): Tony Weisstein1, John R Jungck2, Doug Green3

1. Truman State University 2. Interdisciplinary Science Learning Center at the University of Delaware 3. Saint Michael's College

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These two workbooks model the evolution of phage resistance in a bacterial population under two alternative hypotheses.

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Version 1.0 - published on 11 Sep 2018 doi:10.25334/Q40H75 - cite this


These two workbooks model the evolution of phage resistance in a bacterial population under two alternative hypotheses. Under the hypothesis of acquired immunity, mutation produces some resistant bacteria even in the absence of phage; this resistance can be passed to their offspring. Under the mutation hypothesis, by contrast, mutation produces some resistant bacteria even in the absence of phage; again, this resistance can be passed to their offspring. Predictions of the two models can be compared to each other and to actual data.

Popular Text Citations

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Lenski, Richard E. 1988. Dynamics of interactions between bacteria and virulent bacteriophage. Pp. 1-44. In Marshall, K. C. (Ed.). Advances in Microbial Ecology (Vol. 10). Plenum Publishing Corporation.

Research Articles

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Lenski, Richard E. 1988. Experimental studies of pleiotropy and epistasis in escherichia coli. I. Variation in competitive fitness among mutants resistant to virus T4. Evolution 42 (3): 425-432.

Education Research & Pedagogical Materials

Hornbach, D. 1996. Biometrics. The BioQUEST Library IV:(Candidate Collection): University of Maryland – College Park.

Calley, J. N.; Jungck, J. R. 1996. Microbial Genetics Construction Kit. The BioQUEST Library IV:(Candidate Collection): University of Maryland – College Park

Green, Douglas S., and Bozzone, Donna M. 2001. A test of hypotheses about random mutation: using classic experiments to teach experimental design. The American Biology Teacher 63 (1): 54-58.

Access Excellence: Evers, Chris. (Accessed 04/14/21) Bacterial Mutations: Luria and Delbruck Hit the Jackpot (1943)

Stewart, F. M., 1992. DataFit (Macintosh software for analyzing Luria-Delbrück fluctuation tests). Department of Mathematics, Brown University, Providence, Rhode Island.


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Fundamental Mathematical Concepts

Fundamental Mathematical Concepts
Luria-Delbrück Fluctuation Test

Developed By

Developed by
Max Delbrück and Salvador Luria

Max Delbruck (1906-1981) photo courtesy of the Archives of the California Institute of Technology. Salvador Luria (1912-1991).

Primary Reference

Luria, S. and Delbrück, M. 1943. Mutations of bacteria from virus sensitivity to virus resistance. Genetics 28: 491-511.