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#1902, v1.0 Published:
#1924, v1.0 Published:


Old VersionNew Version
1Happy Blue Baby 1The Happy Blue Baby Hemoglobin


Old VersionNew Version
  1Kasandra Jean-Louise Riley () 
1Shuchismita Dutta () 2Shuchismita Dutta () 
2Shuchismita Dutta () 2Kasandra Jean-Louise Riley ()


Old VersionNew Version
1<p><a href="">Happy Blue Baby</a></p>  1<p>The Happy Blue Baby</p>
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3<p><em>Overview</em>: This case explores the reasons for why an otherwise healthy infant turned blue, soon after birth. All tests done in the neonatal intensive care unit were unable to diagnose possible reasons for the cyanosis, so the infant was taken to a specialist. The case begins with reading a local newspaper report and an abstract of the scientific report describing how doctors were able to make a diagnosis. Molecular explorations in the case focus on understanding the structural basis of the cause, heredity, and long-term impact of the rare mutation identified in the infant.</p>  3<p><em>Overview</em>: This case explores the reasons for why an otherwise healthy infant turned blue, soon after birth. All tests done in the neonatal intensive care unit were unable to diagnose possible reasons for the cyanosis, so the infant was taken to a specialist. The case begins with the clinical data available at birth and walks the student through possible mechanisms based on how oxygen is delivered in newborns. Additional genetic testing data are provided, leading the student to discover the specific variant of hemoglobin present in this real patient.&nbsp;Molecular explorations in the case focus on understanding the structural basis of the cause, heredity, and long-term impact of the rare mutation identified in the infant.</p>
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5<p><em>Learning Objectives</em>: The case was developed at the interface of biology and chemistry to enable introductory biology students explore chemical interactions that stabilize the structure and enable functions of biological molecules. There is flexibility in the depth of disciplinary contents covered and the case can even be used to teach advanced students concepts in biochemistry, such as oxygen binding. By the end of the case, students should develop some basic understanding of biomolecular structure-function relationships.</p>  5<p><em>Learning Objectives</em>: The case was developed&nbsp;to enable biochemistry students to experience&nbsp;how&nbsp;chemical interactions stabilize a protein structure and enable protein-ligand interactions. This case is specifically designed to align with the objectives in a first-semester biochemistry course. By the end of the case&nbsp;students will apply their understanding of&nbsp;biomolecular structure-function relationships at all levels of protein structure, recognize the intersection of genetic data, protein structure, protein function, and clinical phenotypes, analyze ligand-protein interaction data, and demonstrate problem solving skills given multiple possible explanations.</p>
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7<p><em>Molecules explored</em>: The primary molecule studied in this case is hemoglobin. Visualization and explorations of various hemoglobin structures include those of native, mutant, and variant proteins.</p>  7<p><em>Molecules explored</em>: The primary molecule studied in this case is hemoglobin. Visualization and explorations of various hemoglobin structures include those of native, mutant, and variant proteins.</p>  
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9<p><em>Implementation</em>: The case can be implemented using either a flipped approach and/or through in-class discussions.</p> 9<p><em>Implementation</em>: The case can be implemented entirely online, using a&nbsp;flipped approach,&nbsp;and/or through in-class discussions.</p>


1 link — Happy Blue Baby 1 file — KasandraRileyHappyBlueBabyRevision/HBB1.docx
2 file — baby-2607296_1920.jpg 2 file — KasandraRileyHappyBlueBabyRevision/HBB2.docx
3 file — KasandraRileyHappyBlueBabyRevision/HBB3.docx
4 file — KasandraRileyHappyBlueBabyRevision/HBB4.docx
5 file — publication_2058_2081/baby-2607296_1920.jpg