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#2047, v1.0 Published:
#2190, v1.0 Published:


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1Plants in the Human-Altered Environment (PHAE): EREN-NEON Flexible Learning Project 1An Adaptation of "Plants in the Human-Altered Environment (PHAE)" for 100% Remote Learning at East Stroudsburg University


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1Jason Kilgore (Washington & Jefferson College) 1Emily Rollinson ()
2Karen Kuers (The University of the South) 2Emily Rollinson ()
3Deborah Rook ()   


Old VersionNew Version
1<p>Woody plants provide an amazing variety of services to other organisms, including humans, many of which are overlooked in the human-altered environment.&nbsp;This project brings students face-to-face with the plants that share their neighborhoods or campuses. Students will use online resources to identify and classify their plot, and will then establish plots and measure the abundance, biomass, diversity, and ecosystem services provided by plants as a function of the intensity of landscape alteration. They will also relate these data to nation-wide datasets on plants within the human-altered environment. This project can be implemented across a range of environments, used by independent students or groups of students, and lasts from 2 to 4 laboratory sessions.</p> 1<p>Students in BIOL 423/523 Plant Ecology at East Stroudsburg University (conducted the Plants in the Human-Altered Environment research project in Fall 2020. This is an upper-level undergraduate and graduate master&#39;s level course. This semester was fully remote learning at ESU, so this Flexible Learning Project was used to incorporate elements of field ecology and quantitative skills in the laboratory component of the course. Because the semester was fully remote, each student had to carry out data collection independently, without access to research equipment found in our campus classrooms and laboratories.</p>
   3<p>The PHAE project was implemented to give students experience in field ecology, field sampling design, data collection, plant identification, and data analysis.&nbsp;</p>
   5<p>This resource includes my modifications to the PHAE modules to add alternative sampling methods to accommodate students without access to equipment like DBH tapes, meter tapes, etc., as well as adding a module that compares the class data to <a href="">NEON Woody Vegetation Structure</a> plot data.</p>
   7<p>Posted here are:</p>
   9<p>1. A narrative reflection on the implementation of the PHAE Flexible Learning Project&nbsp;at ESU in Fall 2020.</p>
   11<p>2. Powerpoint slides describing the implementation and recommendations for modification of the project.</p>
   13<p>3. The modified PHAE module instructions used at ESU.</p>
   15<p>4. A series of videos demonstrating the use of the iNaturalist and Go Botany platforms for students to identify the tree species in their plots.</p>


1 link — EREN - Plants in the Human-Altered Environment (PHAE) 1 file — ERollinson/Rollinson - Video Demo - Identifying Plants using Go Botany.mp4
2 file — EREN.jpg 2 file — ERollinson/Rollinson - Video Demo - Identifying Plants using the iNaturalist App.MP4
3 file — 3 file — ERollinson/Rollinson - Video Demo - Identifying Plants using the iNaturalist Website.mp4
4 file — ERollinson/Rollinson Data for NEON Data Exploration Lab.xlsx
5 file — ERollinson/Rollinson ESU EREN PHAE Fall 2020 Data.xlsx
6 file — ERollinson/Rollinson PHAE Part 1 - Identifying and Characterizing a Study Site.docx
7 file — ERollinson/Rollinson PHAE Part 2 - Identifying a Plot.docx
8 file — ERollinson/Rollinson PHAE Part 3 - Characterizing a Plot.docx
9 file — ERollinson/Rollinson PHAE Part 4 - Measuring Plants in your Plot.docx
10 file — ERollinson/Rollinson PHAE Part 5 - Plot Data Exploration.docx
11 file — ERollinson/Rollinson PHAE Part 6 - NEON Data Exploration.docx
12 file — ERollinson/Rollinson_EREN_FMN_Fall2020_PHAE_Narrative.docx
13 file — ERollinson/Rollinson_EREN_FMN_Fall2020_PHAE_Slides.pptx
14 link — EREN - Plants in the Human-Altered Environment (PHAE)
15 file — publication_2213_2370/EREN.jpg
16 file —