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#429, v1.0 Published:
#507, v1.0.0 Published:


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1Food Chain Dynamics In A Simple Ecosystem 1Population dynamics in simple two-species experimental microcosms


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1J. Phil Gibson (University of Oklahoma) 1J. Phil Gibson (University of Oklahoma) 
2Deborah Rook () 2Christopher T. Ivey ()
   3Christopher T. Ivey ()


Old VersionNew Version
1<p>Food webs and trophic dynamics are important biological topics that explain community interactions, ecosystem energetics, and other ecological phenomena. Interactions among organisms in different trophic levels is a particularly important factor shaping the structure and function of communities and ecosystems. To investigate the interactions between producers and consumers, you will construct a simple ecosystem containing an algal producer and a crustacean herbivore and observe what happens over the course of a two-week period in this simple food chain. In this experiment, you will use an experimental design&nbsp; developed by Hudon and Finnerty (2013), but in a &ldquo;flipped&rdquo; format. You should first view the assigned videos that describe the fundamental features of the experimental procedure. Make notes about experimental design to investigate bottom-up or top-down effects in a simple ecosystem composed of a single producer and consumer species.</p>  1<p>This two-week exercise modified from Gibson (2018) and Hudson and Finnerty (2013) emphasizes how trophic interactions and other density-dependent phenomena may alter population growth or decline. In a &quot;flipped&quot; format, students are assigned videos and homework to introduce techniques and calculations required for class. Student groups establish replicated microcosms of known densities of <em>Platymonas </em>and brine shrimp and predict the impact of trophic interactions on final densities of each species. During the second week, groups evaluate predictions using statistical tests, and summarize findings.</p>
3<p>The producer is a unicellular, marine alga in the genus (<em>Platymonas</em> sp.). This species has a flagellum which allows it to swim through its aquatic environment. The consumer is <em>Artemia salina</em> (brine shrimp), a crustacean related to crabs and lobsters. They hatch from cysts and are easily grown in lab. The larva, called a <em>naupilus</em>, are active swimmers and develop into the mature adult form in a few days. The mature adults are grazers that feed on algae.</p>    
5<p>Hudon, D. and J.R. Finnerty. 2013. To build an ecosystem: an introductory lab for environmental science and biology students. The American Biology Teacher 75:186-192.</p>   


1 file — Food Chain Dynamics In A Simple Ecosystem 1 file — ./BrineShrimp Culturing Tips.pdf
2 file — Excel Algae Concentration Calculations 2 file — ./Platymonas Culturing Tips.pdf
3 file — Excel Anova for Algae Comparisons 3 file — ./Trophic Chains - Homework.pdf
4 file — Algae Ecosystem Hypothesis Worksheet 4 file — ./Trophic Chains - Week 1.pdf
5 file — Teaching Notes 5 file — ./Trophic Chains - Week 2.pdf
6 file — Excel T-test for Aglae Jars 6 file — ./TrophicChains - Notes for Lab Instructors Week 1.pdf
7 file — ./TrophicChains - Notes for Lab Instructors Week 2.pdf
8 file — ./IMG_20180329_093026677.jpg
9 file — ./IMG_20180410_114950584.jpg
10 file — ./IMG_20180410_115129243.jpg
11 file — ./IMG_20180412_143927560_BURST000_COVER_TOP.jpg