
Profile picture of Timothy John Beaulieu

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Blog Posting tips

The blog posting tips are for how to write a reflective blog post in a mathematical setting: 

Tips for Creating Great Blog Posts in a Math Class

Judy Williams, Unity College

Note: Most of these ideas are for professional blogs, but can be used for reflectionary blog writing/journaling as well

  • Be sure you have a controlling idea and state it early in your blog post, maybe just after your hook.

  • If there are multiple components to an assignment (e.g. an article to read, learning from your math class, and your own experience), do some prewriting on each separately and then look for connections.

  • Clearly and concisely explain the similarities and differences for your readers.   Don’t presume they “get it.”

  • Start with the mathematical concept you’re working on in class and show how the article illustrates that concept. Back this up with an example from your own life that also illustrates the concept.

  • Use images, video, etc. to accompany text and break it up into accessible chunks. Make sure all images, etc., are visually appealing and have a clear connection to your topic.

  • Use bullets, sub-headings, formatted text to make reading easy. Be concise! Avoid repetition!

  • Return to your hook and central idea in closing.

  • Invite comments. Consider including a call to action, if appropriate.


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Reflectionary journal assignments

Bio Calculus concept

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Profile picture of Timothy John Beaulieu

Timothy John Beaulieu