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Diversifying the faculty: A guidebook for search committees

by Turner, Caroline Sotello Viernes

"This monograph suggests ways in which an institution can diversify its faculty and facilitate the work of the search committee before a candidate ever reaches the interview stage. It outlines a step-by-step process to improve the likelihood of a successful search, and it recommends items to consider after a hire is confirmed to ensure that the new faculty member will be more likely to stay. The sections are: (1) Before the Search Begins; (2) The Search Process; and (3) After the Search. Appendixes contain a checklist of best practices, a list of leading institutions for minority Ph.D.s, a list of baccalaureate institutions identified as producers of numbers of female doctorates; and a list of Web resources of programs for building diverse faculties. An annotated bibliography lists 59 sources for additional information. (Contains 36 references.) (SLD)"

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Carrie Diaz Eaton onto Diversity and Inclusion

Diversity and Inclusion

Resources to help encourage diverse representation in mathematics and to foster diversity and inclusion in the classroom.

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Carrie Diaz Eaton