
Profile picture of Rebecca Dikow

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Smithsonian Data Science Lab postdoctoral fellowships

The Smithsonian Institution Data Science Lab ( housed within the Office of the Chief Information Officer (SI-OCIO) in Washington, DC, is seeking two postdoctoral fellows to conduct independent research and digital humanities scholarship in collaboration with the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum and the Smithsonian American Women’s History Initiative.

The Data Science Lab was recently formed in response to the dramatic increase in all forms of digital data across the Smithsonian (19 museums, 9 research centers, and a zoo). We seek to build collaborations both across Smithsonian units, as well as universities and other institutions. Members of our group work on a variety of data-intensive research topics, including biodiversity genomics and machine learning applications of digitized museum collections.

Please see for details, and email ( or tweet (@SIDataScience) with questions!

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Rebecca Dikow onto Opportunities in the Field

Opportunities in the Field

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Alycia Crall