
Profile picture of Karen Cangialosi

Karen Cangialosi created this post

The Tip of the Iceberg - value of higher education

College attainment not only creates higher incomes for graduates

themselves, it creates higher income for others.

•College attainment substantially reduces others’ tax burdens by creating

much greater tax revenues and lower government spending on public

assistance and social insurance.

•College graduates have lower rates of disabilities, signicantly better

health, and longer life expectancy.

•College graduates give disproportionately more to charities, engage more

in volunteerism, and are more likely to work for the greater good. They are

also doing more in community involvement and civic engagementCollege attainment not only creates higher incomes for graduates

themselves, it creates higher income for others.

•College attainment substantially reduces others’ tax burdens by creating

much greater tax revenues and lower government spending on public

assistance and social insurance.

•College graduates have lower rates of disabilities, signicantly better

health, and longer life expectancy.

•College graduates give disproportionately more to charities, engage more

in volunteerism, and are more likely to work for the greater good. They are

also doing more in community involvement and civic engagement

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